Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027 & July 2024 – June 2025 Work Plan

Full document here.


Best possible health and wellbeing for people and whānau living with rare disorders in New Zealand/Aotearoa.


To enable and empower people with rare disorders to best benefit from services and therapies available in New Zealand, and to champion their collective voice, advocating for provision of world leading evidence based health, disability, education and other services.


Aroha – we will demonstrate love, compassion, empathy and respect for people living with rare disorders and we will support and encourage our stakeholders to do likewise

Whakamana – we will advocate assertively and constructively with strength and resilience, supporting communities of people living with rare disorders to be similarly empowered

Manawa rahi – we will steadfastly and stout-heartedly maintain an unwavering evidence-based commitment to the RDNZ cause

Kotahitanga – we will exhibit unity, cohesion and collaboration both internally as a team of staff and volunteers, and externally in our relationships both with New Zealand’ s rare disorders community and supporters, and internationally.

Tiakitanga – we will do everything we can to sustain, protect and respect the viability and reputation of our organisation, our fellow team members, those living with rare disorders and the physical, cultural and spiritual environments which sustain us