Research Network
Rare Disorders NZ, in collaboration with Dr Tara Officer Senior Lecturer in Applied Health Science, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Practice, and Adjunct Professor Karen McBride-Henry (both Victoria University of Wellington), is establishing a Rare Disorders Research Network. A leadership group will be set up to support the establishment, growth and evidence-based and whakaaro Māori impact of a network of Aotearoa New Zealand rare disorders researchers.
Learn more about the expectations and scope of the group here.
Expressions of interest to become a member of the group and leadership group are welcomed from internationally respected and networked Aotearoa New Zealand rare disorders researchers through this form.
All members will be willing to develop their understanding of Te Tiriti and to demonstrate culturally appropriate behaviour, reflecting RDNZ’s commitment to operating in a way that honours tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Any questions or requests for further information, please contact