Donate button

No matter how small, your donation makes a big difference to New Zealanders living with a rare disorder


We rely on grants and donations to continue improving information and support for patients, their family and professionals, as well as to advocate for systemic changes to benefit the entire rare disorder community. 

We also welcome bequests.

Please see our privacy statment on the contact us page of this website.

Did you know that you’re able to claim a tax credit for donations made to a charitable organisation? For more information, visit the IRD website.

There are a number of ways you can donate to Rare Disorders NZ

If you have organised a fundraising initiative on our behalf and would like to know the best way to get the funds to us, contact

One Percent CollectiveDonate through One Percent Collective

Rare Disorders NZ is proud to be a partner charity of One Percent CollectiveOne Percent Collective has been inspiring generosity and simplifying regular giving since 2012. They do this so charities like RDNZ can spend less time fundraising, and more time improving the lives and outlook of the people of Aotearoa New Zealand.

One Percent Collective makes it super-easy to donate regularly with one simple signup. Give as much as you like, as often as you like.

We get 100% of donated funds with no strings attached and One Percent Collective handles all the admin. They will NEVER spam you with anything unimportant. They will NEVER ask you to increase your donations or make extra payments.

Donating 1% of your income is just a suggestion. For the average Kiwi, that's around $10 a week but whatever is comfortable for you works for us. It’s easy to adjust your regular donation up or down if your circumstances change. You can even take a giving holiday if you need to.

Raise funds for us while shopping!

Do you shop online? Help us raise funds for free!

We’re on Rewardhub, a website where 100’s of leading brands Reward us with free donations, at no extra cost to you, when you shop online and are signed up to support us

It’s an easy place to shop with discounts on big brands in fashion, beauty, entertainment, travel, utilities, money, homeware, food, drink and more.

To learn more and sign up to our page, please visit

Donate through our givealittle page






Donate through Payroll Giving

Through payroll giving you can donate to Rare Disorders NZ directly from your pay and receive instant tax credits of 33c for every dollar you donate (for all donations over $5) towards your PAYE.

This means that if you choose to donate $15 through payroll giving, only $10 will be deducted from your take-home pay.

Payroll giving is an effortless way to donate regularly to Rare Disorders NZ. Making a small donation each week makes a big difference over time.

How to get started:

  1. Check that your employer offers payroll giving. If yes:
  2. Ask your employer to set up payroll giving from your wages/salary payment
  3. Specify that you would like your donations going to NEW ZEALAND ORGANISATION FOR RARE DISORDERS TRUST
  4. Specify how much you want to donate and how often
  5. Give your employer our bank account details:

The Rare Disorders NZ Trust 


Thank you for your generosity - together we can make a big difference for people living with a rare disorder and their whānau. 

Find out more here.

Donate to RDNZ using a debit or credit card

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