• 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM

James McGoram, Rare Disorders NZ's Board Chair, is raising money for Rare Disorders NZ by walking around Maungawhau (Mt Eden) - again, and again, and again!

He will be starting at 1pm and he thinks it will take him around five hours.

James has a rare metabolic disorder that has robbed him of the ability to keep running so he is going to walk a loop around Mt Eden, a beautiful maunga in the centre of Auckland that he used to love running up, and he is going to see whether he can do it 10 times!

How far is that exactly? About the same distance as a half marathon.

Join James - by walking a few loops of the mountain with him on the day, by donating to his Givealittle campaign, or by sharing this page with your friends and loved ones.

See the Facebook event here  

Visit the Givealittle page here



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